ContemporaryCorporateHeadshotProfessionalUncategorized Keep It Fresh! An outdated online profile or company directory can send a mixed message to your potential…fredshotsMarch 12, 2015
ContemporaryCorporateProfessionalReal EstateRealtor Real Estate Agents Get Ahead! Click here for the Fredshots virtual tour One of the greatest challenges in listing a…fredshotsMarch 4, 2015
ContemporaryCorporateProfessional A Fresh Perspective When was the last time you gave your clients a fresh view of you,…fredshotsFebruary 25, 2015
ContemporaryCorporateExecutive HeadshotProfessional Looky Here! I can't wait to see my dasherboard ad on the sidelines of the Texas…fredshotsFebruary 24, 2015
HeadshotModelProfessionalSportsTeam Take That Winning Shot! Without a doubt the emphasis on sports is a major facet of the DFW area.…fredshotsFebruary 23, 2015
ContemporaryCorporateExecutive HeadshotHeadshotProfessional Hello? Can You Hear The Savings? Stop for a moment and consider how much you spend monthly on your cell…fredshotsFebruary 19, 2015
CorporateHeadshotProfessional Photo Fiction: My Business Image Must Always Be “Business” In today's media-centric, internet-intertwined business world are you taking the time to explore ALL…fredshotsJanuary 28, 2015
CorporateHeadshotProfessional Photo Fiction: Headshots Must Be In The Portrait Orientation A long time ago, in a business world far, far away, all professional headshots…fredshotsJanuary 28, 2015
ContemporaryCorporateHeadshotProfessionalprofessionalism Photo Fiction: My Old Headshot Is Still Good Celebrating another birthday is not a bad thing. Continuing to use the same headshot year…fredshotsJanuary 28, 2015
ContemporaryExecutive HeadshotProfessional Photo Fiction: Realtors Must Cross Their Arms What do people see when they see your headshot? What do people hear when they…fredshotsJanuary 28, 2015