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Set Your Business On Fire Through Networking

By January 28, 2015No Comments

A super elaborate advertising campaign built on a huge budget that was produced by the largest names in Hollywood is not enough when it comes to making connections with new clients.  People do business with other people that they trust.  The best way to develop trust is through personal contact and time.

In the northeast region of Dallas, TX you can pretty much find me every Thursday morning at the Allen-McKinney Netweavers business network meeting.  We are a steadily growing group of business owners dedicated to getting to know each other so that we may promote each other.  When you have confidence in the person you are confident in referring your friends and associates to that business.

Here is a brief presentation of the members and guests of this group.  If you are in the area be sure to join us on Thursday mornings.  And if you need a high-energy video contact me! (469) 718-9749

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